What Do You Need for a Successful Dota 2 Betting?

To increase the likelihood of success of your bets, you should pay attention to certain factors. The first one is the knowledge of game meta. In Dota 2, small patches periodically appear that weaken popular characters, change the characteristics of artifacts, and so on. These changes affect the nature of the game and its speed. Such factors are definitely worth taking into account before you bet on Dota2-bet.com. To do this, it is best to periodically play Dota 2.

Acquaintance with the pro-scene is also important. If you know the strong teams of the current season, their history of confrontation with opponents, as well as the game form of the team, it will be easier for you to make a decision and make a bet. To do this, see at least the Major and Minor of the season, as well as some major tournaments. For example, an ESL One series competition.

Basic Rules You Should Follow to Get Profit

Check the useful tips:

  • Exclude the excitement. Put thinking and do not get excited after losing. Victories and defeats should not greatly affect the mood during the game.
  • Distribute the bank, thoughtlessly immediately put 50% of the bank on one game. In case of failure, you can burn for a few bets. Reasonable players bet from 3 to 7% of the bank; 3% - for a confident match, 7% - for a super sovereign match.
  • Do not put on inflated rates, because here lies the trap. If there is a coefficient of 1.4; 1.5, then they think that he will go 100%. But any, even a strong team can lose the “dark horse”. It is better to miss such events.

Which Heroes Can Win a Solo Game in Dota 2?

Winning a solo game doesn’t always mean playing alone and dragging, whatever the team does, it’s all exactly needed, no matter how good you play. There is a balance of the game, and whatever team would be, and it would not even seem that you play one in five. You have to take a good hero who can win the game one on one.

  • 5th place - weaver: it is fast, it is difficult to catch even with a vision. He may kill the target one by one. And with the help of ulta, he can survive the enemy damage. It is a powerful hero that allows you to kill a character for a character.
  • 4th place - a storm: a strong mider, quickly kills and leaves the batch. However, it depends heavily on objects and cannot quickly kill heroes like a weaver, but not bad.
  • 3rd place - ember: a powerful mider who kills single targets with the help of abilities and damage. Can kill heroes and push lines. However, the magic ember can not quickly demolish the tower.
  • 2nd place - Tinker: it is excellent against many midaers and very mobile, but difficult to manage. But it can strongly push. And being behind, it can kill carries.
  • 1st place - clinks: the killer of any carry in seconds, except that he can take down the tower for actions 4 levels of the first skill. Even a beginner can play this hero successfully.

Follow the tips above and become a Dota winner!

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